The Rector of the University of Algiers 1 launches the digital platform for social services
On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Rector of the University of Algiers1 Benyoussef
Benkhadda, Professor Fares Mokhtari, has chaired a meeting to launch the new
digital platform for social services, in implementation of the resolutions of the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the digitization of
the sector and “zero paper” policy. The meeting was attended by the Vice-
Rectors, the Deans of Faculties, the Heads of University Services Committee for
the five faculties, in addition to representatives of professors’ and workers’
unions, and a number of social partners.
Professor Fares Mokhtari gave an opening speech, in which he highlighted the
importance of digitization and the need to create new platforms in order to
manage the university effectively. He added that the new digital platform for
university services will respond to the specificities of social programs of each
faculty, and will facilitate the administrative procedures of the Social Services
Committee, saving time and effort. He also stressed the importance of
maintaining the privacy of the files of professors and workers.
A detailed explanation about the digital platform was provided by the platform
manager Mr. Larbi Khaldi. The social partners have also expressed their
appreciation for this initiative. The Rector of the University and the platform
manager have answered the questions about the mechanisms for activating the platform and how it operates.