The Business Incubator at the University of Algiers 1 celebrates its first anniversary
On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, The Business Incubator at the University of Algiers 1 has celebrated its first anniversary along with the House of Artificial Intelligence by distributing start-up and patent certificates to project holders.
The Rector of the University, Pr. Fares Mokhtari, gave a welcome speech in the presence of the Vice-Rectors, the Deans, the representatives of Nesda, Envredet and ENAPI, the members of the business incubator, the professors, the students and their families. He has also explained the relationship between the start-ups and Resolution 1275, and the importance to raise the students’ awareness for establishing their own start-ups instead of waiting for job opportunities, as well as contributing to the economic development of the country.
The business incubator director, Pr. Kawthar Al-Kurd, has also addressed the attendees and stressed that these certificates are only a beginning, and that the projects of the students are still under incubation for another year until the creation of the start-up.
A 5-minute video was made to illustrate the achievements of the business incubator including different trainings, seminars and events.
The attendees were invited at the end of the party to take some sweet and salty treats. The party was sponsored by Sister Pastry and TECHNO.