Vice-Rectorate in Charge of Third Cycle Higher Training, University Habilitation, Scientific Reasearch and Postgraduate Higher Training

Vice-Rectorate in Charge of Third Cycle Higher Training, University Habilitation, Scientific Reasearch and Postgraduate Higher Training

Functions :

  • Follow up on issues related to postgraduate and specialised postgraduate training and university habilitation, and ensure the implementation of the applicable regulations in this field.
  • Follow up on the activities of research units and laboratories and prepare the scientific outcome in coordination with the faculties.
  • Carry out all necessary activities to valorize the research results.
  • Ensure the functioning of the university’s Scientific Council and preserve its archives.
  • Collect and disseminate information about the university’s research activities.

Services :

  • The Service of Postgraduate and Specialised Postgraduate Training
  • The Service of University Habilitation
  • The Service of Research Activities Follow-up and Valorization of its Results

Tel/Fax: 00 213 (0)21 63 77 27


  • Resolution No. 804 of July 14, 2021, on the methods of implementing the provisions related to obtaining a university habilitation. (download)
  • Resolution No. 493 of April 20, 2022 amending and supplementing Resolution No. 804 of July 14, 2021 on the methods of implementing the provisions related to obtaining a university habilitation. (download)
  • Executive Decree No. 21-50 of 14 Joumada Ethania 1442, corresponding to January 28, 2021, on the conditions and methods of obtaining a university habilitation. (download)

A guide to application procedures and modalities of obtaining university habilitation for research professors and permanent researchers

The first university habilitation session, October 18, 2021
 FacultyApplicants Successful candidates
Faculty of Law 04 00
Faculty of Islamic Sciences 04 03
Faculty of Sciences 09 07
 Total 17 10
  • Resolution No. 1361 of December 2, 2021 on the announcement of the results of the first university habilitation session (download)
  • Resolution No. 1438 of December 27, 2021 on the announcement of the results of the first university habilitation session, after appeal (download)
The second university habilitation session, May 2, 2022
 FacultyApplicants Successful candidates
Faculty of Law 21 16
Faculty of Islamic Sciences 04 04
Faculty of Sciences 12 08
 Total 37 28
  • Resolution No. 616 of June 1, 2022 on the announcement of the results of the second university habilitation session (download)
  • Resolution No. 708 of June 25, 2022 on the announcement of the results of the second university habilitation session, after appeal (download)
The third university habilitation session, October 2, 2022
 FacultyApplicants  Successful candidates
Faculty of Law 11 09
Faculty of Islamic Sciences 07 03
Faculty of Sciences 11 08
 Total 29 20
  • Resolution No. 1404 of November 3, 2022 on the announcement of the results of the third university habilitation session (download)
  • Resolution No. 1409 of November 23, 2022 on the announcement of the results of the third university habilitation session, after appeal (download)
The fourth university habilitation session, May 28, 2023
 FacultyApplicants   Successful candidates
Faculty of Law 35 70
Faculty of Islamic Sciences 10 08
Faculty of Sciences 05 05
 Total 50 40
  • Resolution No. 176 of July 12, 2023 on the announcement of the results of the fourth university habilitation session (download)
  • Resolution No. 178 of July 31, 2023 on the announcement of the results of the fourth university habilitation session, after appeal (download)
  • Executive Decree No. 21-144 of Ramadan 5, 1442, corresponding to April 17, 2021, on the conditions for practicing part-time scientific research and technological development activities and their rewards. (download)
  • Executive Decree No. 19-231 of Dhou El Hidja12, 1440, corresponding to August 13, 2019, on the methods for establishing, organizing, and operating research laboratories. (download).

Circular No. 02 of June 6, 2022 on the procedures for admissibility and management of the University Training Research Projects (UTRP) (Download)
Canvas sample

  1. New UTRP project submission canvas (Download)
  2. UTRP project Mid-term assessment canvas (Download)
  3. Final assessment canvas (Download)
    UTRP research allowance file
  4. Two copies of the annual report signed by the faculty’s scientific council.
  5. Three copies of the research contract completed and signed.
  6. Two crossed checks. (Original or copy)
  7. Tenure order for each member.
    (In case of job grade change in the course of the year, please provide both old and new grade decision)
  8. Authorization for integrating a research project and a certificate of non-receipt of a research allowance signed by the rector or the vice-rector in charge of postgraduate training for researchers non-affiliated to the University of Algiers1.
  9. Administrative certificate proving that the researcher is not under one of the cases described in Article 9 of the research contract.
  10. Declaration on honour relating to the content of Article 4 of the research contract.
    “Article 04: The contractor undertakes not to carry out any additional activity or teaching and training tasks as an accessory occupation”

Faculty of Medicine

  1. Endocrinology and Metabolism Laboratory
  2. Oxidative Stress Kidney and Associated Complications Research Laboratory
  3. Research and Reference Laboratory in Hemostasis, Hemorrhage and Thrombosis
  4. Audiophonology and Communication Laboratory
  5. Cardio-Oncology Research Collaborative Group
  6. Biogenotoxocology and Occupational Health Laboratory
  7. Fundamental and Applied Molecular Oncology Laboratory
  8. Genetic Biochemistry Laboratory
  9. Diabetes and Pregnancy Research Laboratory
  10. Immuno-Oncology Laboratory
  11. Severe Arrhythmia and Death Prevention Laboratory
  12. Cytogenetics and Genetics Laboratory
  13. Genetic Polymorphism Laboratory
  14. Neuroscience Laboratory
  15. Cardiovascular Risk in Nephrology and Transplantation Laboratory
  16. Biopathology and Cancer Laboratory
  17. Simulation in Anesthesia Reanimation and Emergency Medicine Laboratory
  18. Forensic Anthropology Laboratory
  19. Image-Guided Interventional Senology in Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer Laboratory
  20. Non-Communicable Respiratory Diseases Laboratory

Faculty of Pharmacy

  1. Metabolic and Rare Genetic Diseases Laboratory
  2. Industrial Galenic Pharmacy Research Laboratory
  3. Alternative and Complementary Medicine in Hospital Setting Laboratory
  4. Medical-Pharmaceutical Biosciences Laboratory

Faculty of Sciences

  1. Valorisation and Bioengineering of Natural Resources Laboratory
  2. Living Resources of Economic Interest in Algeria Laboratory
  3. Mathematical Analysis and Applications Laboratory
  4. Materials and Environment Science Laboratory

Faculty of Law

  1. Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Laboratory
  2. Criminal Sciences Research Laboratory
  3. Family Code Laboratory
  4. Mechanisms for Achieving Comprehensive Development in Algeria Laboratory
  5. Digital and Green Economy and Business Law Laboratory
  6. Economic Law Laboratory
  7. Artificial Intelligence and Society Legal Laboratory

Faculty of Islamic Sciences

  1. Chariaa Laboratory
  2. Research and Evaluation Methods in Islamic Sciences and their Objectives Laboratory